Behavior System Rewards for Kids
Behavior Bucks are a great physical reminder for kids of their progress and of the rewards for good behavior. By giving children something they can hold, count and spend you’re reinforcing that their efforts have value. As part of a behavior system or on their own, Behavior Bucks bring positive attention for good choices into a tangible currency kids can appreciate. You’ll find it easier to practice positive parenting, and children can literally see the benefits of making the right decisions day after day.
A Behavior Tool for Kids
Used as a behavior tool, rewarding good choices with recognition and credit, Behavior Bucks help kids see the progress toward their goals. Parents and children can decide together what the behavior goal and the associated rewards are; this gives kids a sense of empowerment and responsibility. Behavior tools are designed to make parents’ efforts more effective, when teaching children to be better behaved. Used by parenting experts with their own kids, Behavior Bucks are effective and simple to use. You’ll find it easy to incorporate a reward system into your daily life when armed with tools like behavior charts and Behavior Bucks. Parent smarter, not harder!