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Kids Dinosaur Behavior Bucks

Kids Dinosaur Behavior Bucks

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Do you have a kid in your house that loves dinosaurs? You can use these fun dinosaur bucks to motivate your dino fan. Each free printable dino buck has a cute dinosaur image on them. Kids will love the fun pictures. Kids can earn dinosaur dollars by doing their chores, getting good grades, helping a parent with a project or having good behavior. You can use them for the little ones to help with potty training, getting them to remember to brush their teeth, or motivating them to get dressed by themselves. Dinosaur bucks are in value amounts of one, five and 10 dollars. Kids can learn responsibility and valuable math skills at the same time using dinosaur dollars. Once your kids earn dinosaur bucks they can then cash them in for awards and rewards. Rewards can be fun activities such as extra video game time, special alone time with mom or dad, or kids can use them to buy minutes to stay up past their scheduled bed time. Or set up a program that kids can trade in their dinosaur bucks for real money. Your kids can then take the money to the store to buy a special reward.