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Peer Pressure and Hurtful Language

Peer Pressure and Hurtful Language

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At a time when children and young adults are at their most vulnerable, they need to be fully equipped to handle peer pressure and hurtful language when adults are not present. The Brave Talk Cheat Sheet is a great tool that can be used by children independently, allowing them to memorize the talking points themselves, or in a group setting during a role play with teachers, families, or friends. This document shows students how to become more comfortable in communicating and sharing how they are feeling in the moment others approach them with peer pressure or hurtful language. The Peer Pressure and Gossip sections help children have a quick response ready when addressed with anything they do not want to do or feel unsafe doing. The Hurt Feelings section not only teaches children to express to others how they are feeling but also allows their peers to communicate their feelings to them in an environment that might feel less intense than when adults are present. Though children may not frequently be addressed with each of these issues, the cheat sheet is the perfect tool to allow children to practice what they will say when approached with these situations and to feel prepared once it happens.