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Stop Bullying Overview

Stop Bullying Overview

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Bullying is a serious problem that is currently happening all over the world. It affects and has affected millions of people everywhere. There are young children who get bullied in school and who feel very depressed about it later on in their life. This is why it is your responsibility to teach your children about how to stop bullying and about ways that they need to stand up for others. The sooner that you have this talk with your children, the better that they will respond to it and the sooner that they will see a change as well. This is a talk that may be uncomfortable to have, but one that is very important. Remember, that your children learn from you and they look up to you as well. Having a good talk with your children can open up the conversation to many other things that your children may have already experienced in school. It is important that you let your children know that bullying is not okay and that is needs to stop immediately. If your children know this, they will be able to help out other children in their school and will be able to help make a change.