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Reflect Feelings

Reflect Feelings

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Do you think that you reflect your felings enough? Are you teaching your hildren to epress their emotions and the way that they feel? If you do not think that you are doing this enough, it is imperative that you start right away. If you are having trouble doing this, Make sure that you were spending at least enough time with your children throughout the day.This will help you develop a relationship with your children, and it will also help you bring up important topics such as emotions and feelings that they may be going through. The conversations that you should have with your children all depend on the age of your children. If you have a young toddler, it is important that you start teaching him or her to communicate with words instead of throwing tantrums. If you have a child ages 5 to 8 years old, it is important that you are promoting them to express themselves either pay writing or by trying. If you have a young teenager or a soon to be a teenager, it is important that you are communicating with them every single day. Teenagers can have a hard time expressing the way they feel because maybe they are confused. The more that you dialogue with them in the more that you promote good communication with them, the more likely that they will be able to open up to you.