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Alcohol and Drugs

Alcohol and Drugs

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It is time to talk to your kids about drugs. The best way is, to be honest, and do not scare them. The best teaching is when the truth is taught. The whole idea of a war on drugs gives the impression that drugs are an enemy. The fact is not all drugs are bad. The aspirin taken to reduce a deadly fever is far from bad. So, we need to educate the children so they understand and can make informed decisions. The whole idea of drugs is scary when it comes to our children. The idea that all drugs are bad is not what we as a society want to teach our children. The idea and knowledge of drug use and abuse are what we want to teach our children. The blatant use of illicit drugs and the consequences that go along with this use is a scourge on society. This problem needs to be addressed with your children daily. Keep an open dialogue on this issue and discuss it often and at length. This process will help curb to use and abuse by the younger generation of the country. The idea of an illicit drug-free world will never be obtained without an open dialog on the subject. This is where we start, with the younger generation.