Academic Achievement
starCommunity Service

Community Service Award

Community Service Award

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This certificate for Community Service is a wonderful form of recognition when you worked so hard to collaborate and create something that made the world a better place. You can use this certificate for a reward for all sorts of different kinds of activities for your kids or students. You can create different group projects or crafts that allow students to not only collaborate and create something, but to use their problem-solving skills to fix a current problem that you could set for them. The Community Service Award is also great for helping you motivate and guide the students in the correct direction towards being an incredible member of this community. Finding ways to help your students grow together will develop a desire in them to help out when they can in the community they live in. On the certificate, there is room for the name of the student, the name of the giver of the reward, the reason why they are receiving the reward, and lastly, there is room to put the date given to the student. In addition to the wonderful certificate, the award can also be paired with some sort of treat or candy to make receiving the award impactful on the student who deserves it.