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Sleepovers & Bedtime

Kids Bedtime and Sleepovers in Elementary School

Bedtime and Sleepover for Grade Schoolers

Learn to manage kids’ bedtime so it goes smoothly. Our parenting articles share tips on bedtime routines for elementary schoolers, sleepovers, and sleep for children.

If you are like most adults, you have some sort of routine that you go through before going to bed. It may include such things as doing a little reading to relax, brushing your teeth, and even checking to make sure all the doors are locked. Most adults have a bedtime routine, and it's a really good idea for kids to have them, as well.

Parents often read how important it is for children to have a clearly established bedtime routine. Expert after expert recommends it for kids of all ages, but especially at the elementary school age. But while parents know it's a good thing, they may not be so sure why it's important and how to get one established.

Just about every parent, at one time or another, has heard the old "I'm not tired" line when it was time for their child to go to bed. And while hearing it may be something all parents go through, how you handle it will set the stage for many other "I'm not tired" nights to come!

It is common for children to fall out of bed while they are sleeping. Most of the time, they are not even aware of it; rather, it is a parent who hears the thump in the night or walks past the room to see them laying in an odd position on the floor or half on the bed and half on the floor.

If you have a child who has some difficulty falling asleep when it is their bedtime, you are not alone. Many parents share their concerns about this issue and seek answers about what they can do to address it. The good news is that there are things you can do to help your child fall asleep when it's time to go to bed.

Even if parents are not challenged by getting their kids to go to bed at night, they are often fighting the battle of getting them up in the morning. Once children become elementary school age, it is important that they start learning that they need to get up at a certain time, because of responsibilities and obligations.

One of the most frequent parenting questions that people have concerns how much sleep their child should be getting each night. And it is an important question, because getting enough sleep, at any age, is important for good health and performance.

Ah, the joys of hosting sleepovers at your house; kids running around everywhere, constant messes to clean up and no sleep, for anyone. It just seems impossible to control all the kids at a sleepover, especially the "bad kid." However, you don't have to dread sleepovers anymore if you put to use some SuperNanny techniques. So tell your child to call up all their friends because you're ready to host a successful sleepover tonight.

Once your child has their first sleepover, it's bound to result in constant begging for many more. Although you might get a migraine just thinking about having one more sleepover, it's something that children truly enjoy. Organizing sleepovers doesn't have to involve stress and anxiety. Think about it this way: When you have a sleepover at your house, it's likely to result in sleepovers at a different parent's house at another time

Does your child suffer from bad dreams? If so, the first thing to know is that it is normal. Young children have bad dreams, from time to time. The more you know about what can cause them and how to address the situation, the more you can help to keep those bad dreams at bay!