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SuperNanny at Bedtime

If putting your child to bed every night seems to be a struggle, you may have come to dread bedtime just as much as your child does. As it can be complete with fussing, kicking and screaming, bad bedtime behavior has probably become somewhat of a ritual in your home. To make bedtime what it once was, relaxing and peaceful, put into practice the SuperNanny bedtime secrets.

Bedtime: The "Cornerstone" of Family Routines

As children usually need 11 to 12 hours of sleep per night, a consistent bedtime should already be implemented into your family routine. Your child will be able to benefit from improved focus and learning abilities when they have a good night's sleep and you can also enjoy some peace and quiet.

  • Remind. Remember to remind your child what time bedtime is. For example, "Bedtime is in five minutes so you want to start picking up your toys now." Throughout the bedtime routine you can also keep your child aware of what is to come next. "Once you get out of the bath in two minutes, please start brushing your teeth." A great way to make this fun is to create a bedtime routine chart which lists the agreed upon routine.
  • Double check. Make sure all your child's schoolwork has been completed, as this avoids the awful morning rush. You can also have lunches pre-packed and clothes set aside. This will allow you to participate in a steady pace in the morning, rather than rushing through everything. This will also set a good tone for everyone's day.
  • Quiet time. You want to encourage quiet time before bedtime. Instead of watching TV, playing video games or participating in a high energy game like leap frog, your child should be reading, coloring or playing quietly. If it's bath day, have your child jump in right before bedtime. This will help calm them down and lower their energy level.
  • Once in bed. After your child has put on their pajamas and is under the covers, feel free to read or sit and talk for a minute or two. You can remind your child of what rules they followed today or how good they behaved, as this will give them a positive note to fall asleep on.
  • Lights out. Once you have hugged or kissed your child goodnight you can turn the lights out. If your child is scared of the dark, use a nightlight or crack the door open slightly. During this time, all other family members who are not ready for bed should be participating in quiet activities as well. This way your young child is not kept awake by household noises.

A quiet and peaceful bedtime routine doesn't have to be a dream anymore. You can choose to make it a reality by utilizing SuperNanny bedtime secrets. Implementing a standard and consistent routine before bed is sure to make the transition to quiet time a lot easier on the entire family.