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Siamese Cat Theme Printable Chart for Kids

Siamese Cat Theme Printable Chart for Kids

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Kids love cats. So it's not surprising that one of the most popular of Kid's Points printable behavior charts for kids is a Siamese Cat Theme chart. This an and individually printed chart for a single student or son or daughter, that tracks the number of behavioral points they have earned on a weekly basis. The chart has room for 10 different behaviors to be tracked (hint, a teacher or parent does not necessarily need be tracking 10 behaviors at a time, fiver or less is generally quite sufficient) a place for points earned for an individual behavior for all 7 days of the week, a place to put the week of such as 11/2-11-11, and a place for the child's name. Integrated into this simple behavioral chart are three adorable Siamese Cats. Many educators and parents as well believe the best way to use a behavioral chart is to not be authoritarian but rather collaborative with the child. Rather than you as the adult sitting down and saying, "this week I want you to work on this, that and the other behavior," that a conversation be held with the child, and to ask what it is they think they should work on, and what would enable them to rack up points for that particular behavior. The parent or teacher can then suggest other points and together there is a collaboration. Then, mindful of the lessons that nothing good comes for free, generally if a student gets enough points during the week, he or she can earn a small treat like an ice cream cone. Consistent point sheets can earn a child a bigger treat like a trip to an amusement park or a toy they want.