Behavior and Chore Chart - Robots
For parents wishing to give their child an idea of accountability, these charts can prove effective for communicating desired behavior or duty for chores listed. Your child can view their progress on a weekly basis. Participation can be in the form of checking their chores off or placing stickers on the given day for acts of good behavior. Rewards for a great week of behavior or completion of daily duties can be listed as the incentive for expected actions giving a young child a welcomed end to their daily work. For children still learning to read placing stickers depicting their favorite symbols for good behavior or completed chores could prove useful in visually congratulating your child for their efforts. Different images of childhood favorites such as the robot can encourage your child's eagerness to participate. The fun in this exercise can give the young child a sense of play instead of work. The child's agreement in the frequency of a chore or the type of reward they would like to earn with good behavior further provides the idea of participation will be a welcomed exercise. Parents can display their child's progress on the refrigerator with these decorated ready to print forms showing the daily activities as an accomplishment throughout the week.