Kids Chart: Halloween Theme
You will put the spooky in positive behavior with Kid Pointz Halloween-themed behavior chart. Sporting a black and orange backdrop complete with spiders, bats, ghosts, and cobwebs this 10x10 weekly tracker is a perfect way to celebrate the holiday. It not only aids with weekly behavior goals but doubles as a decoration. Your kiddos can earn reward upgrades for their trick-or-treating and you can set Halloween-themed behavioral goals. It is a perfect way to personalize your child's experience as you encourage good behavior. All Kid Pointz charts use a points system to foster accomplishment and set rewards. It shows progress your kiddos can see which is an incentive all on its own. Want to incentivize good behavior by awarding T.V. time? Want to provide your children goals that let them get the toy they want? A behavior chart is the way to go. The description column will allow you to set weekly behavior goals. You can write down up to ten goals and track your kiddo's progress from Sunday to Saturday. The points column will allow you to install value to each goal thereby encouraging your youngins to accomplish it. Tracking progress is as simple as a checkmark, dot, or fancy sticker.