Kids Chart: Football Theme
Football is a great sport because of its team driven environment and the thrill of making top plays. Just like football, life is all about working together and making exciting things happen often. We can begin our day like footballers and start by making our beds. This is the best way we can start a day since at night, we will come back to an organized area to rest. Next, we can begin on our chores around the house. This is actually one of the best things we can do daily since chores act like mini training sessions for our bodies. In addition, we will be committed to a schedule just like the top football stars. After this, we can get to our homework and finish our school duties. The work we get from school is important because it's like a game of who can do it the best and the fastest. It's just like who can run the fastest or catch a football the farthest. When we’re done, we will be stronger and smarter in all ways. Lastly, we have to fit some exercise sessions into our daily schedule. Whether that's indoors or outside, moving our body will keep us healthy and tough. If we don’t, we won’t be ready to play the next football game!