Kids Charts: New Jeresey Devils Theme
This chart feature The New Jersey Devils, a popular and winning franchise at the peak of the 2000s especially. Based in Newark, New Jersey this team gets its namesake from the local folklore of a winged creature that terrified local residents throughout the night. Despite its scary origin, attending the team's games at Prudential Center are one of the best past times the area has to offer. The design of Downtown Newark in addition to its iconic logo makes it meaningful as a potential collectors item for any hardcore sports fan, whether or not they follow the Devils. Like many other charts of its king, it features a row of description boxes dedicated to listing chores, tasks or adding key notes for what's going on that week. On the right of those description boxes is an entire column for weekly or daily point totals depending on the system the parent or teacher has established. An area for a cumulative point total is provided at the bottom of the chart as well, making the record keeping and progress tracking a lot easier, avoiding the tedious progress normally associated with maintaining point systems and tracking consistency, making this type of chart a major favorite among caretakers.