Printable Charts
Chore Charts
Children Charts
Multiple Kids
Week - No Points
Week – Points

Chore Schedules: Children

Chore Schedules: Children

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If you have multiple children in your house, a chore chart will help you equally divide the work so everyone is doing there fair share. Before using the chart, it is important to explain to your children how it works and on what days of the week they have a specific chore. Doing so will help eliminate any confusion on who is doing what on a certain day and it will also help give them a sense of scheduling and responsibility. By giving your children responsibility and creating a chore chart for them, they will learn how to split up there daily routine while putting their priorities first. As the chart will give them different chores to do everyday, which in return will help them learn different aspects of caring for a home. The important thing about chore charts, especially for younger children, is to be sure and reward them if they are completing their chores on time and every day that is assigned to them. Simple rewards can be picking a movie out for everyone to watch, choosing a place to have dinner, or even just picking out a small gift from the store next time you and the family go out.