Printables: Chore Chart with Points
The Chore Chart with Points is invaluable as you teach your children to clean the house and help with household duties. The chore chart is designed to show your children what needs to be done, how many points they will receive, and when that chore should be completed. Because the chart is so simple, you can use the chart in a variety of ways when teaching your children to handle chores around the house. You can add the date or day of the week the chore should be completed. This is a good way to assign chores on different days. Your children do not have the capacity to clean the entire house in one day, but they can do one small thing per day that helps keep the house clean. You can add each child’s name to the chore column, and each child can check for their name when reading the chart. The points awarded for each chore are listed on the right side. You can award points every week that your kids can use for prizes, activities, and even purchases. If you plan to challenge your child to help around the house, you can leave the chore chart open to them to fill out. Your child will mark down every chore they complete, and you can reward them accordingly.