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Kids Chart for Scheduling

Kids Chart for Scheduling

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Children often complete tasks better when there is a schedule to follow whether it's at home or at school. A Kids Chart for Scheduling is an option to consider that allows parents or teachers to make a list of the tasks that need to be completed during the day including homework, chores, or behaviors. The schedule is also beneficial so that kids can see when family members might not be at home or when there are special events that take place during the week as they can strive to be on their best behavior for the occasion. The chart is divided into several sections and features a green background with colorful butterflies on the background along with a few butterflies that are seen in front of the sections. The days of the week are listed along the top of the chart. Sections on the left side of the chart include tasks to do before school and after school as well as things to do before and after dinner so that children can get ready for bed, complete their homework on time, or spend time with family members. Teachers can use the chart by completing sections associated with the morning and afternoon hours.