Exercise Routine Charts for Kids
Whether it's ballet recitals, musicals and plays in school, or just having fun and rocking out around the house, kids love to dance; with this colorful and bright exercise routine chart, you can have your kids up, moving, and enjoying exercise like never before. With all the new tech gadgets and social media platforms, kids need physical stimulation now more than ever; dancing can promote and improve so many things such as a more fit and healthy lifestyle, a child's self-esteem, and, with a little structure and training, their teamwork and socialization skills. This exercise routine chart can be printed out and is easy to read; it has each day in bright blue sections where you can write down different activities and points for completing them; this can give your child not only the incentive and determination to dance and exercise, but a sense of excitement and accomplishment when your child can reach those goals. All types of dance can help kids learn and grow, physically and mentally; for example, learning various steps and routines can teach discipline, focus, and structure, while working as a team and making like-minded friends can give kids a space for self-expression, building up confidence, and this chart can be our first move in improving our kids' overall health and happiness!