Goal Charts for Kids
Goals are an important teaching tool for any child from the home to the classroom. Getting a child to accomplish goals, and letting them take steps to accomplish those goals, is a great teaching tool for any parent or teacher. With this goal chart, it is very easy to make sure that any child understands goals and also understands hard work in completing those goals. A parent or educator can list on this goal chart each step to accomplish a goal. One example would be if there is a project a child needs to do for school. Each step to completing the project can be listed on this goal chart, and as the child goes along each step, the child can check off all the steps that they have completed. This is an excellent tool for teaching in the classroom. A teacher can pout this chart on the wall, and also put at the end of it what the reward will be for completing the goal. The award could be candy r extra recess time. Students will be much more motivated when a reward is available, and it is much easier for them to understand how to complete a goal when each step is clearly listed. This goal chart is a great tool for any parent or teacher.