Printable Charts
Homework Charts

Homework Kids Charts

Homework Kids Charts

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Does your child tend to forget the dates of upcoming quizzes and tests? Help them learn to be more organized by printing them a chart that will help to keep the dates of upcoming tests and quizzes organized and hopefully they will never forget a spelling test again. The charts are a positive way to teach your child that it is necessary to be organized, which is a skill they will need for their entire life. Charts reinforce positive behavior and soon the child will begin to keep track of their school work without needing a chart. The homework charts also alert parents to when they may need to give the child extra time to study or note when they have large projects to complete. The homework chart will most likely lead to better grades because the child will remember to study for that spelling test or social studies test. This may also take out some of the anxiety of taking tests because the child knows that they had plenty of time to study. Make sure to look over their chart often and reward points for when they remember to write down their test dates. There is even a note section where parents can write words of encouragement the day before the test.