School Homework Chart
To help you keep track of your test scores each week please use this chart in logging each test and score. Also you are to use this chart to log notes on areas needing further study. Please ask your teacher or parent if you have any questions on how to use this chart. This chart will be used by you to log your tests for each of your subjects and for you to track your weekly points earned. A separate chart will be used for each school week. Please print neatly and clearly. First you will write your name in the area labeled NAME. Next, fill in the week for these assignments in the section labeled WEEK OF in the format of Month Day, Year. For each assignment fill in a separate line starting with the SUBJECT followed by the TEST DATE (include month and day) and fill in any special notes or instructions under NOTES. At the completion of the week you will fill in your TOTAL POINTS in the section at the top right of the chart then you will take the completed chart home for your parent(s) to review your progress.