Printable Charts
Homework Charts

Schedule for Homework Assignments

Schedule for Homework Assignments

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Homework is inevitable nowadays. All kids have it, and most of them have it on a daily basis. Kid Pointz has a schedule for homework assignments to help them stay on track. On the Kid Pointz website, under the homework charts tab, you will find several different homework charts. Each one is a little different than the next. Colorfully designed to bring attention to the chart and help remind children of the homework that is due. Each homework assignment chart has custom columns and cute designs. These charts are made to make it easier for the child, as well as the parent, to keep on track with assignments that are due. It's easy to fall behind on studies, and these helpful charts let parents in on the know how. There is a chart specifically for tracking the child's test dates, which will help keep them on track for studying for upcoming tests. There's also another chart that is used specifically for tracking daily homework assignments. Teaching your child to stay on track will help them develop good study skills, get better grades, and teach them a good behavior for later in life. Each chart is free to print and/or download on the Kid Pointz website.