Printable Charts
Star Charts
Individual Kid
Multiple Kids

Free Charts with Stars

Free Charts with Stars

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Usually, when you think of reward charts, you think of behavioral or chore charts for younger kids, however, your teen can also benefit from having a reward chart. An only child can sometimes lack motivation because there are no siblings to compete against. Star charts are perfect for your teen who needs some positive motivation to learn how to get organized or improve their behavior. They may think it is silly at first, but once they understand that they get stars that can be traded in for a reward, they will get on board. Make sure to discuss rewards and make them appropriate for a teenager. A sticker that worked for a toddler will not work for your teen. By introducing the star chart instead of constantly yelling or nagging equals positive parenting. Teens need organization and what better way to teach them that making charts or lists are one technique that can be used for better organization. After using the free printable charts for a while, encourage the teen to take the next step and create a chart that truly fits their needs. You can still add free printable stars to the chart to help motivate them and show that you are proud of the hard work that they are doing.