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Progress Charts for Children

Progress Charts for Children

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Every one needs to be reminded of their progress every once in a while, and children need it just as much as we do. It is our job to remind them of how far they have come along and of everything that we are proud of them. If you would like to show your child his or her progress, make sure that you are tracking it down every single day. Even if there are days when they do not have the best day. This can be about anything that they are progressing in. This can be in their school work, in their chores, in potty training or even in brushing their teeth. The more that you are showing your children their progress, the more likely that they will continue to progress and to do even better as time goes by. It is also very important to let your children know that it is perfectly fine if they mess up or of they are progressing slower than others. Each child is different and they all learn and progress at very different times. Your job is to help remind them of this and to love them every step of the way. In the future, your child will look back at this and be thankful for all that you did for him or her.