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Science Experiment Journal for Kids

Science Experiment Journal for Kids

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The scientific observational journal is used for any young person trying to complete an experiment. This chart has two sections at the top. The first is where you write your name, and the second is what you are titling the project. This can be a name you have created or the the actual name of the experiment. Each week you can record different observations for the week. These can be purely scientific or simply just something that is noticed easily, such as a change in appearance. As someone conducting the experiment, you want to try to break your findings apart week over week. You want to focus on what has changed from the week prior to the current week. As your research continues, record each week with the intention of potentially referring back to previous weeks as needed. Once you have completed the final week, either finish your findings, or continue on to another page to keep recording. As this chart keeps all of your previous notes organized chronologically, this is a great addition for anyone trying to complete a scientific experiment. Based on the four weeks included, your findings should be able to point you in the direction of coming to the conclusion of a hypothesis.