Rainfall Tracking Worksheet - Ages 10+
If you have children that are at least 10 years old, there’s activity will definitely be one that will interest you and will interest your children as well. Tracking rainfall can be a very fun activity to do with her children who are at least 10 years old. They are at a good age where they fully understand how the weather works and how rainfall works as well. If you have a child who is specifically interested in science and learning more about the weather, this project will definitely interest them a lot. The first step in this project is making sure that you have a chart where you will be tracking down the rainfall for several weeks. In this chart, you will be labeling how much rain is expected and how much rain we actually received throughout the day. This project can be a lot more enjoyable if you live in an area where you experience a lot of rainfall. You can use this project as a great way to spend some quality time with your soon to be teenager I want to bond with him or her as well. This time is crucial in order to set a good relationship with your child before they enter their teenage years.